BEBO – Book Issue CD/DVD Store Publish Library WP

BEBO - Book Issue CD/DVD Store Publish Library WP 1

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BEBO - Book/eBook/ISSUE + Author
BEBO - Book/eBook/ISSUE + Author

If you are reading these texts, you must be interested in our BEBO. Thank you for that and now let us shortly introduce you the main adorable features you will love.

You must be uncomfortable cause you have to depend on other bookstore (Amazon, Better World Books, BookMooch…) to sell your brainchild. Why don’t you think about your own store to promote your business directly and more effective. Look down, you will know exactly what you need if you are thinking about your store.

BEBO - Book Issue CD/DVD Store Publish Library WP - 1
BEBO - Book Issue CD/DVD Store Publish Library WP - 2
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BEBO - Book Issue CD/DVD Store Publish Library WP - 6
BEBO - Book Issue CD/DVD Store Publish Library WP - 7

Special Gift Beautheme
BEBO - Book Issue CD/DVD Store Publish Library WP - 8
BEBO Beautheme

Outstanding Features:

Server Requires:

PHP Version: 5.4 or greater
MySQL Version: 5.6 or greater
The mod_rewrite Apache module
Read about WordPress official requirements
PHP.INI Requirements
upload_max_filesize = 16M
memory_limit = 128M


= 2.1.2 =
Update WooCommerce, 
Add option 'Author book group by' First name / Last Name

= 2.1.1 =
* Compatible with WooCommerce 3.5.1 

= =
* Released: September 6, 2017
+ Reback Name Folder Theme 

= 2.0.7 =
* Released: August 17, 2017
+ Dev : add asset/css/bebostore20.css
+ Dev : Compare Woocommerce
+ Fix : Woocommerce
+ Dev/ Feature BeauAdmin Page
+ Dev/ Feature Patcher
+ Dev/ Feature Plugin Control

= 2.0.6 =
** Released: April 27, 2017

+ Update woocommercewoo v3.x.x
+ asset/js/bebostore.js
+ includes/tgm-register-plugin.php
+ style.css
+ woocommerce

= 2.0.5 =
** Released: April 15, 2017
* Purpose : 
+ Fix some bugs

* changed files: 
+ functions.php
+ asset/css/bebostore.css
+ includes/beboo_composer.php
+ includes/beboo_composer_bich.php
+ includes/tgm-register-plugin.php
+ style.css
+ templates/archive-default.php
+ vc_templates/be_contact_book.php
+ vc_templates/be_singer_book.php
+ vc_templates/be_our_team.php
+ vc_templates/be_woocategory.php
+ vc_templates/vc_row.php
+ woocommerce/*

= 2.0.4 =
* Released: August 11, 2016

+ Update plugin BeBo Store Postype v1.0.7
+ vc_templates/be_product_slide.php
+ vc_templates/be_subcribeform.php
+ templates/header-menuhumberger.php
+ templates/header-default.php
+ templates/author-detail.php
+ templates/author-list.php
+ 404.php
+ footer.php
+ footer-none.php
+ asset/js/bebostore.js
+ asset/css/bebostore_woo.css
+ Woocommerce/content-single-style-01.php
+ Woocommerce/content-single-style-02.php
+ Woocommerce/content-single-style-03.php

= 2.0.3 =
* Released: July 12, 2016

+ Woocommerce/content-product-style-01.php
+ Woocommerce/content-product-style-02.php
+ Woocommerce/content-single-style-01.php
+ Woocommerce/content-single-style-02.php
+ Woocommerce/content-single-style-03.php
+ Function
+ vc_templates/be_author.php
+ vc_templates/be_authorlist.php
+ vc_templates/author-detail.php
+ vc_templates/be_product_slide.php
+ vc_templates/be_single_book.php
+ Asset/css/bebostore_woo.css
+ Asset/css/bebostore.css
+ includes/ajax-author.php
+ includes/ajax-contact.php
+ templates/header-default.php
+ templates/header-menuhumberger.php

= 2.0.2 =
* Released: Jun 18, 2016

+ Woocommerce/content-product.php
+ Function
+ Asset/css/bebostore_woo.css
+ Update Woocommerce 2.6.2

= 2.0.1 =
* Released: Jun 13, 2016

+ Function
+ Delete file Woocommerce -> checkout -> form-shipping.php
+ Templates/header-menuhumberger.php
+ Templates/header-default.php
+ woocommerce/content-single-style-01.php
+ woocommerce/checkout/form-checkout.php
+ woocommerce/cart/cart.php

= 2.0.0 =
* Released: Jun 6, 2016

+ Function
+ includes/tgm-register-plugin.php
+ Asset/scss/bebostore_woo.css
+ Asset/scss/bebostore.css
+ Vc_templates/be_author.php
+ Vc_templates/be_testimonial.php
+ Vc_templates/be_singer_book.php
+ Vc_templates/be_product_slide.php
+ Includes/beboo_composer.php
+ single-authorbook.php

+ Woocomerce/content-single-style-01.php
+ Woocomerce/content-single-style-02.php
+ Woocomerce/content-single-style-03.php
+ Woocomerce/single-product/related.php
+ Woocomerce/checkout all forder
+ Document v2.0.0

= 1.5 =
* Released: March 22, 2016

+ Function
+ Update plugin BeBo Store Postype
+ templates/header-default.php
+ templates/header-menuhumberger.php
+ vc_templates/be_product_slide.php
+ vc_templates/be_singer_book.php
+ woocommerce/content-product-style-01.php
+ woocommerce/content-product-style-02.php
+ woocommerce/content-single-style-01.php
+ woocommerce/content-single-style-02.php
+ woocommerce/content-single-style-03.php
+ woocommerce/single-product/related.php
+ include/beboo_composer_bich.php
+ Document

= 1.4 =
* Released: February 22, 2016

+ bebostore/vc_templates/be_subcribeform.php
+ bebostore/woocommerce all forder 
+ bebostore/asset/css/bebostore_woo.css + bebostore.css
+ Plugin BeBo Store Postype




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