Cybersecurity is a set of processes, technological solutions, and practical advice that protect corporate systems and business networks from hackers. The types of threats range from malware and phishing (that is, the theft of sensitive data) to social engineering, where attackers gain the trust of company employees and trick them into handing over account information.
The remote work format, the transfer of IT infrastructure to the cloud, and the widespread practice of working from mobile devices have radically changed network security and how companies need to protect their data. Further in the article, we will talk about the basics, strategies, and means of cyber protection, because this is one of the main aspects of the company’s efficiency in 2023.
What is cyber security?
Cybersecurity refers to the measures taken to ensure the confidentiality of electronic information and protect against damage or theft. It is also used to ensure that electronic devices and data are not misused. Cybersecurity applies to both software and hardware, as well as information on the Internet, and can be used to protect everything from personal information to complex government systems.
Key Findings
- Cybersecurity is the measures taken to protect electronic information in online settings.
- Cybersecurity can include a variety of protections, including helping cybercriminals prevent hacking into computers or electronic devices and stealing confidential information.
- Password protection and encryption are types of cybersecurity measures.
- Common cyber attack types include phishing, malware, hijacking attacks, and denial-of-service attacks.
Common targets of cyberattacks in 2023
While any individual system is at some level of risk of cyberattacks, larger organizations such as businesses and government systems are often targeted by these attacks because they store a lot of valuable information. For example, the Department of Homeland Security uses high-tech cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive government information from other countries, nation-states, and individual hackers.
Any financial system that stores the credit card information of its users is at high risk as hackers can directly steal money from people by gaining access to these accounts. Large businesses are often attacked because they store personal information about their vast network of employees. The industries that have experienced the most cyberattacks in the last five years are healthcare, manufacturing, financial services, government, and transportation. Other targets include systems that control infrastructure such as telecommunications and power networks, as attackers seek to maintain this equipment.
Why should a business conduct cyber threat intelligence?
There are three types of cyber threat intelligence:
Strategic threat intelligence is a high-level assessment of potential threats, identifying those who may be interested in attacking an organization or companies in its industry, and finding out their motives. Usually presented to managers in the form of technical papers, reports, and presentations to show how the organization should respond.
Tactical threat intelligence deals with how and where an organization can become a target for cybercriminals. With this type of intelligence, the specialist focuses on the analysis of hacker tactics. Typically, a white paper is created and provided to IT and network professionals so they can put in place defenses to prevent these types of attacks.
Operational threat intelligence is information gathered from active attacks, cyber decoys (traps that entice hackers to reveal their tactics), and data provided by third parties. It contains very specific data such as URLs, file names, domain names, and IP addresses. This information is used to block attacks (if detected early), limit damage, and eliminate known threats in the network.
With enough information, you can apply the right tools to monitor certain behaviors and respond effectively
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