Bleute – WordPress theme Beauty Spa

Bleute - WordPress theme Beauty Spa 1

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Bleute - WordPress theme Beauty | Spa | Hair Salon | Makeup | Hair | Yoga |  Booking WooCommerce - 1Bleute - WordPress theme Beauty | Spa | Hair Salon | Makeup | Hair | Yoga |  Booking WooCommerce - 2Bleute - WordPress theme Beauty | Spa | Hair Salon | Makeup | Hair | Yoga |  Booking WooCommerce - 3Bleute - WordPress theme Beauty | Spa | Hair Salon | Makeup | Hair | Yoga |  Booking WooCommerce - 4

Bleuté is not only for spa, but also for the other beauty services such as: nail, hair, make up, massage… even yoga centres. With unlimited color, you can choose the best suitable color to make your brand stand out from the crowd. Moreover, there are flexible layouts, easy custom homes, diversity elements to satisfy any strictest builders

Bleute - WordPress theme Beauty | Spa | Hair Salon | Makeup | Hair | Yoga |  Booking WooCommerce - 5Bleute - WordPress theme Beauty | Spa | Hair Salon | Makeup | Hair | Yoga |  Booking WooCommerce - 6
Bleute - WordPress theme Beauty | Spa | Hair Salon | Makeup | Hair | Yoga |  Booking WooCommerce - 7
Bleute - WordPress theme Beauty | Spa | Hair Salon | Makeup | Hair | Yoga |  Booking WooCommerce - 8
Bleute - WordPress theme Beauty | Spa | Hair Salon | Makeup | Hair | Yoga |  Booking WooCommerce - 9
Bleute - WordPress theme Beauty | Spa | Hair Salon | Makeup | Hair | Yoga |  Booking WooCommerce - 10
Bleute - WordPress theme Beauty | Spa | Hair Salon | Makeup | Hair | Yoga |  Booking WooCommerce - 11
Bleute - WordPress theme Beauty | Spa | Hair Salon | Makeup | Hair | Yoga |  Booking WooCommerce - 12

Bleute - WordPress theme Beauty | Spa | Hair Salon | Makeup | Hair | Yoga |  Booking WooCommerce - 13Special Gift Beautheme
Bleute - WordPress theme Beauty | Spa | Hair Salon | Makeup | Hair | Yoga |  Booking WooCommerce - 14Bleute - WordPress theme Beauty | Spa | Hair Salon | Makeup | Hair | Yoga |  Booking WooCommerce - 15Bleute - WordPress theme Beauty | Spa | Hair Salon | Makeup | Hair | Yoga |  Booking WooCommerce - 16Bleute - WordPress theme Beauty | Spa | Hair Salon | Makeup | Hair | Yoga |  Booking WooCommerce - 17
Bleute wordpress theme Beautheme


= 1.1.5 =
* Released: Nov 27, 2017
- Update support WooCommerce 3.5.x
- Add hook custom site color
- New import function
- Fix CSS bugs
- Minor bugs fix
= 1.1.4 =
* Released: July 9, 2017
+ Dev/ Feature BeauAdmin Page
+ Dev/ Feature Patcher
+ Dev/ Feature Plugin Control
+ Fix/ Reponsive
+ Fix/ Get Field 
+ Fix/ Outdate WooCommerce 3.1.0 

= 1.1.3 =
* Released: January 12, 2017

+ libs/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php
+ templates/content-details.php
+ woocommerce/cart/cart.php
+ woocommerce/content-product.php
+ function.php
+ asset/css/bleute.css
+ asset/css/style_brown.css
+ asset/css/style_dark.css
+ asset/css/style_pink.css

+ Plugin Bleute v1.1.3

= 1.1.2 =
* Released: October 29, 2016

Changelog Spa:
+ Plugin Bleute postype and function v1.1.2
+ asset/js/back-to-top.js
+ asset/css/bleute.css
+ asset/css/style_brown.css
+ asset/css/style_dark.css
+ asset/css/style_pink.css
+ functions.php
+ header.php
+ language -> bleute.pot
+ single-experts.php
+ templates/archive-default.php
+ templates/content-details-service.php
+ templates/content-post.php
+ templates/content-service.php
+ templates/footer-column.php
+ templates/header-default.php
+ templates/header-full-width.php
+ templates/header-none-slide.php
+ templates/header-shipping.php
+ templates/template-about.php
+ templates/template-contact.php
+ templates/template-membership.php
+ vc_templates/banner/left.php
+ vc_templates/banner/right.php
+ vc_templates/banner/small-left.php

= 1.1.1 =
* Released: August 11, 2016

Changelog Spa:
+ Plugin Bleute postype and function v1.1.1
+ asset/js/back-to-top.js
+ asset/css/bleute.css
+ asset/css/style_brown.css
+ asset/css/style_dark.css
+ asset/css/style_pink.css
+ header.php
+ funtion.php
+ language -> bleute.pot
+ Woocommerce -> single-product -> product-thumbnails.php
+ Woocommerce -> content-product.php
+ Woocommerce -> cart -> cart.php
+ templates -> footer-column.php
+ templates -> template-membership.php
+ templates -> archive-default.php
+ templates -> content-post.php
+ vc_templates -> bleute_subcriber.php
+ vc_templates -> bleute_experts.php
+ vc_templates -> service -> odds.php
+ vc_templates -> product -> background.php
+ vc_templates -> product -> slide.php
+ vc_templates -> banner -> left.php
+ vc_templates -> banner -> right.php
+ vc_templates -> banner -> small-left.php
+ vc_templates -> banner -> small-right.php

= 1.1.0 =
* Released: June 17, 2016

Changelog Spa:
+ vc_templates -> bleute_product.php
+ vc_templates -> product -> background.php
+ vc_templates -> product -> slide.php
+ vc_templates -> service -> left.php
+ vc_templates -> service -> right.php
+ vc_templates -> service -> odds.php
+ vc_templates -> service -> icon.php
+ vc_templates -> service -> center.php
+ vc_templates -> bleute_service_page.php
+ templates -> header-default.php
+ templates -> header-full-width.php
+ templates -> header-none-slide.php
+ templates -> header-shipping.php
+ templates -> header-stick.php
+ templares -> content-service.php
+ Add new file templares -> content-details-service-none.php
+ Add new file templares -> content-details-service.php
+ Woocommerce -> content-product-related.php
+ Woocommerce -> content-product-style-custom.php
+ Woocommerce -> content-product-style-default.php
+ Woocommerce -> content-product-style-full.php
+ Woocommerce -> content-product.php

= 1.0.3 =
* Released: May 5, 2016

+ vc_template/bleute_experts.php
+ Style bleute.css
+ templates/header-default.php
+ templates/header-full-width.php
+ templates/header-none-slide.php
+ templates/header-shipping.php
+ templates/header-stick.php
+ templates/footer-column.php
+ templates/content-detail.php
+ asset/css/style_brown.css,style_dark.css, style_pink.css, 
+ vc_template/bleute_subcriber.php
+ Plugin Bleute postype and function v1.0.3

= 1.0.2 =
* Released: March 22, 2016

+ vc_template -> bleute_experts.php
+ header.php
+ template -> header-stick.php
+ category-gallery.php
+ taxonomy-gallery.php
+ templates ->  template-about.php
+ templates -> template-contact.php
+ templates-> template-gallery.php
+ templates -> content-service.php
+ Plugin Bleute postype and function
+ Import demo theme options

Top theme

Bleute - WordPress theme Beauty | Spa | Hair Salon | Makeup | Hair | Yoga |  Booking WooCommerce - 18
Bleute - WordPress theme Beauty | Spa | Hair Salon | Makeup | Hair | Yoga |  Booking WooCommerce - 19
Bleute - WordPress theme Beauty | Spa | Hair Salon | Makeup | Hair | Yoga |  Booking WooCommerce - 20
Bleute - WordPress theme Beauty | Spa | Hair Salon | Makeup | Hair | Yoga |  Booking WooCommerce - 21
Bleute - WordPress theme Beauty | Spa | Hair Salon | Makeup | Hair | Yoga |  Booking WooCommerce - 22
Bleute - WordPress theme Beauty | Spa | Hair Salon | Makeup | Hair | Yoga |  Booking WooCommerce - 23
Bleute - WordPress theme Beauty | Spa | Hair Salon | Makeup | Hair | Yoga |  Booking WooCommerce - 24
Bleute - WordPress theme Beauty | Spa | Hair Salon | Makeup | Hair | Yoga |  Booking WooCommerce - 25
Bleute - WordPress theme Beauty | Spa | Hair Salon | Makeup | Hair | Yoga |  Booking WooCommerce - 26
Bleute - WordPress theme Beauty | Spa | Hair Salon | Makeup | Hair | Yoga |  Booking WooCommerce - 27

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