Elessi – WooCommerce AJAX WordPress Theme – RTL support

Elessi - WooCommerce AJAX WordPress Theme - RTL support 1

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Version 3.2.0 is out – Apr 16, 2020

WordPress 5.4 Compatible

WooCommerce 4.0 Compatible

Mobile Version Ready

Product 360° Viewer Ready

Furniture, Bike, Baby, Bags, Organic, Digital, Cosmetic, Accessories and Retail demo included

Dokan Multivendor Marketplace, WC Vendors
WC Marketplace, WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace Compatible

Demo Multi – Vendors Ready

Elessi - WooCommerce AJAX WordPress Theme - RTL support - 1

Elessi - WooCommerce AJAX WordPress Theme - RTL support - 2

Elessi - WooCommerce AJAX WordPress Theme - RTL support - 3

Elessi - WooCommerce AJAX WordPress Theme - RTL support - 4

Elessi is clean, modern, user-friendly WooCommerce Theme with many of functions theme just perfect for your eCommerce project.

Elessi is built with the customer experience in mind with features like: Unique product filtering, Unique Compare, Multiple ajax off-canvas Wishlist & Cart Sidebar, Product Quick View (Off-canvas or Popup), One Click them installs, … and so much more.

Easy to use, awesome and powerful. You will be able to build your website in a snap without coding knowledge. Are you ready to get it for now?

Elessi - WooCommerce AJAX WordPress Theme
Elessi - WooCommerce AJAX WordPress Theme
Elessi - WooCommerce AJAX WordPress Theme
Elessi - WooCommerce AJAX WordPress Theme
Elessi - WooCommerce AJAX WordPress Theme
Elessi - WooCommerce AJAX WordPress Theme
Elessi - WooCommerce AJAX WordPress Theme
Elessi - WooCommerce AJAX WordPress Theme
Elessi - WooCommerce AJAX WordPress Theme
Elessi - WooCommerce AJAX WordPress Theme
Elessi - WooCommerce AJAX WordPress Theme


Customization Options

Elessi can be customized easily using Option Framework. It has a powerful theme options panel via SMOF.
The theme also bundles the custom-tailored version of revolutionary Visual Composer which allows users to build various page layouts with minimum effort.


If you have any questions please submit a ticket here: NasaTheme Support System. We will resolve the query within 24 hours.


Images at demo are not included in download package and they are replaced with placeholders in demo data.

Hey you, we have other great theme for WooCommerce here!!!!

Elessi - WooCommerce AJAX WordPress Theme - RTL support - 5

Elessi - WooCommerce AJAX WordPress Theme - RTL support - 6

Release History

----- 3.2.0 (16 Apr 2020) -----
- NEW: Variants Badge.
- FIXED: Issues RTL.
- IMPROVED: Close button (Cart - Wishlist - Quickview - Mobile Menu Off-Canvas).
----- 3.1.0 (30 Mar 2020) -----
- NEW: Account on Main Screen - Mobile Layout.
- FIXED: Pagination Single Store Dokan.
- IMPROVED: Toggle Widgets Dokan Store.
----- 3.0.6 (15 Mar 2020) -----
- FIXED: Issue Registration Popup with Dokan.
- FIXED: Some CSS.
- IMPROVED: Import Demo Data.
----- 3.0.5 (11 Mar 2020) -----
- FIXED: Option statistic of Element Nasa Product Deals Schedule.
- FIXED: Option Redirect Shopping Cart After Added To Cart.
- COMPATIBLE: Revolution Slider 6.2.2.
- COMPATIBLE: WooCommerce 4.0.0.
----- 3.0.4 (28 Feb 2020) -----
- FIXED: Scroll Images in Single Product Page for Ipad.
- FIXED: Issue CSS Dokan.
- FIXED: Issue CSS Main Menu.
----- 3.0.3 (26 Feb 2020) -----
- FIXED: Notice Style.
- FIXED: Issue CSS Dokan.
- IMPROVED: Ajax Single Add To Cart.
- IMPROVED: Class of Loop Products.
- COMPATIBLE: Revolution Slider 6.2.1.
- COMPATIBLE: WooCommerce 3.9.2.
----- 3.0.2 (03 Feb 2020) -----
- FIXED: About list products deal id.
- FIXED: Issue Registration Popup with Dokan.
- FIXED: CSS of Top Categories product.
- COMPATIBLE: WooCommerce 3.9.1.
----- (23 Jan 2020) -----
- FIXED: Issue Update Nasa Core to 3.0.1.
- COMPATIBLE: WooCommerce 3.9.0.
----- 3.0.1 (22 Jan 2020) -----
- FIXED: CSS Main Menu.
- FIXED: Init Option Nasa Wishlist.
- IMPROVED: Stock Progress Bar Element Product Special Deal.
----- 3.0.0 (14 Jan 2020) -----
- NEW: Nasa Wishlist (Change for Yith WooCommerce Wishlist).
- NEW: Style Notice Added.
- IMPROVED: Options excludes product in Element Nasa Products.
----- 2.3.3 (09 Jan 2020) -----
- NEW: Show Notice Option After Added To Cart.
- NEW: Popup Your Order Option After Added To Cart.
- NEW: Show Sidebar Cart Option After Added To Cart.
- FIXED: Issue Header Sticky.
- REMOVED: Options RTL Mode.
- IMPROVED: Automatically identify RLT languages.
----- 2.3.2 (05 Jan 2020) -----
- COMPATIBLE: Registration Popup with Dokan.
- IMPROVED: 360 Degree Product Viewer.
- IMPROVED: Sticky Info Sigle Product Page.
- IMPROVED: Some Style.
----- 2.3.1 (31 Dec 2019) -----
- NEW: 360 Degree Product Viewer.
- IMPROVED: Some Style.
----- 2.3.0 (27 Dec 2019) -----
- FIXED: Issue Add To Cart (Product Variation).
- FIXED: Transient issue For Product Deal ids.
- IMPROVED: Documentation.
----- 2.2.9 (18 Dec 2019) -----
- IMPROVED: Wishlist Sidebar.
- COMPATIBLE: Yith WooCommerce Wishlist 3.x.
----- 2.2.8 (14 Dec 2019) -----
- NEW: + Homepage Accessories.
- NEW: Group Products.
- IMPROVED: Dots for Element Slider.
- COMPATIBLE: WPBakery 6.1.
- COMPATIBLE: WordPress 5.3.1
----- 2.2.7 (04 Dec 2019) -----
- FIXED: Issue Add To Cart (When disabled Ajax Add To Cart).
- FIXED: Issue Ajax Filter Shop Page.
- COMPATIBLE: Revolution Slider 6.1.5.
- COMPATIBLE: WooCommerce 3.8.1.
----- 2.2.6 (23 Nov 2019) -----
- NEW: Options Show/Hide Ux variations in Grid.
- FIXED: Event click LoadMore in MacOS/IOS.
- FIXED: Css Variation type Default of WooCommerce.
- IMPROVED: UX Variations Product.
- COMPATIBLE: Revolution Slider 6.1.4.
- COMPATIBLE: WordPress 5.3.
----- (09 Nov 2019) -----
- NEW: Options Dots Slide for Single Product.
- FIXED: Margin Price in On Sale Product.
- FIXED: Issue Pagination Shop.
----- 2.2.5 (08 Nov 2019) -----
- NEW: Captcha for Register Form.
- FIXED: WooCommerce Pagination style in page Vendors List - WC Vendor.
- COMPATIBLE: WooCommerce 3.8.0.
----- 2.2.4 (05 Nov 2019) -----
- NEW: +4 types Hover Effect Product.
- FIXED: Ajax shop with Vendor.
- FIXED: Min Price = 0 with Widget Nasa Filter Price.
- FIXED: Some styles.
----- 2.2.3 (28 Oct 2019) -----
- NEW: Single Product Slider Full Width - No Thumbnails.
- NEW: Override Option Layout for Single Product.
- IMPROVED: Promotion Top.
- IMPROVED: UX variations - case inactive variation.
- IMPROVED: Boxed Site Layout.
----- 2.2.2 (21 Oct 2019) -----
- FIXED: Issue Top Icon Filter By Categories.
- IMPROVED: Countdown for Mobile small (iPhone 5).
- IMPROVED: Add to cart for Product Deal Nav 2 items
- IMPROVED: Product variation Deal with Category.
- IMPROVED: Widget Nasa Reset Filter (with mode toggle widget).
- IMPROVED: Masonry Layout for Shop or Category products page.
- IMPROVED: Import Sample Data.
----- 2.2.1 (15 Oct 2019) -----
- NEW: + Home Retail.
- NEW: Option GDPR Policy.
- NEW: Override Sidebar layout for Category Products.
- NEW: Product Categories grid layout.
- IMPROVED: Element Slide products.
- IMPROVED: Support 2 columns of products.
- IMPROVED: Support 6 columns of products.
- COMPATIBLE: WooCommerce 3.7.1.
----- 2.2.0 (09 Oct 2019) -----
- NEW: + Home Digital 2nd.
- NEW: + Home Cosmetic.
- IMPROVED: Arrows for Products Slide.
- IMPROVED: Tabs layout.
- IMPROVED: Special Product Deal Simple.
----- 2.1.9 (05 Oct 2019) -----
- NEW: + Home Digital.
- IMPROVED: Tabs for the single product page.
- IMPROVED: Layout for the single product page.
- IMPROVED: Single Post page.
- COMPATIBLE: Revolution Slider 6.1.3.
----- 2.1.8 (24 Sep 2019) -----
- NEW: Tabs style 2d Radius.
- NEW: Element Compare Before - After Images.
- IMPROVED: Option add version when call javascript.
- IMPROVED: Option for Toggle Widgets.
- IMPROVED: Mini Cart Icon.
- IMPROVED: Wishlist HTML.
----- 2.1.7 (10 Sep 2019) -----
- IMPROVED: Close button on the canvas.
- FIXED: issue with shortcode WooCommerce [products ...].
- FIXED: Issue Css compatible with the new version of Chrome.
----- 2.1.6 (04 Sep 2019) -----
- NEW: +1 Home jewelry.
- NEW: Override Font for Page, Category Page, Single Product Page.
- NEW: Override layout for Single Product Page.
- FIXED: Mobile Menu for Header Builder.
- FIXED: Max height logo for mobile.
- IMPROVED: Offline Site.
- COMPATIBLE: Revolution Slider 6.1.1.
----- 2.1.5 (27 Aug 2019) -----
- NEW: Option Offline Site.
- IMPROVED: Instagram Feed.
- IMPROVED: Carousel Nav.
----- 2.1.4 (22 Aug 2019) -----
- FIXED: Issue removes all items in Bought Together.
- FIXED: Issues RTL css.
- IMPROVED: Bottom for Pin.
- IMPROVED: Mobile layout.
- IMPROVED: Social icons.
- IMPROVED: Top and Bottom Content for the Category page.
----- 2.1.3 (15 Aug 2019) -----
- FIXED: group buttons on mobile.
- IMPROVED: Review Tab in Single Product.
- IMPROVED: Mobile layout for mini Tablet devices.
- IMPROVED: System WooCommerce Notice.
- COMPATIBLE: WooCommerce 3.7.0.
----- 2.1.2 (07 Aug 2019) -----
- IMPROVED: Mobile Search.
- IMPROVED: Widgets.
- IMPROVED: Promo Popup Newsletter.
- COMPATIBLE: Revolution Slider 6.0.9.
----- 2.1.1 (04 Aug 2019) -----
- NEW: Popup Your Order After Add To Cart.
- NEW: Free Shipping for order greater than a price.
- IMPROVED: Menu Account.
- FIXED: Some css.
- COMPATIBLE: WPBakery 6.0.5.
----- 2.1 (20 Jul 2019) -----
- NEW: Mobile Layout Ready.
- NEW: +2 Layouts Light Menu Mobile.
- NEW: +1 Breadcrumb Layout (1 Row).
- NEW: +1 Layout for Tabs of the single product page (Accordion-style).
- NEW: +2 Layout Sticky Add To Cart Single Product for Mobile.
- IMPROVED: Style group buttons in loop product on mobile.
- FIXED: Some css.
----- 2.0 (09 Jul 2019) -----
- NEW: Element Products Masonry - Metro.
- NEW: Multi Flags languages - WPML.
- NEW: Multi Currencies - WPML.
- NEW: Layout Cart page.
- NEW: Layout Checkout page.
- NEW: 5 columns in the change-view of the Shop page.
- NEW: Feature Bought Together.
- NEW: Single Product with thumbnail bottom.
- NEW: Single Product tab reviews.
- NEW: Suggestions search.
- IMPROVED: Shop page layout Masonry - isotope.
- IMPROVED: Quick-view Popup.
- COMPATIBLE: Plugin - Nextend Social Login (Login by Social).
- FIXED: Some css.

The full update history is available here.

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