Tequila | Unique Multi-Purpose WooCommerce Theme

Tequila | Unique Multi-Purpose WooCommerce Theme 1

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Tequila  |  Unique Multi-Purpose WooCommerce Theme - 1

Remote WordPress management Tool
Tequila  |  Unique Multi-Purpose WooCommerce Theme - 2
Tequila  |  Unique Multi-Purpose WooCommerce Theme - 3
Tequila  |  Unique Multi-Purpose WooCommerce Theme - 4
Tequila  |  Unique Multi-Purpose WooCommerce Theme - 5
Tequila  |  Unique Multi-Purpose WooCommerce Theme - 6
Tequila  |  Unique Multi-Purpose WooCommerce Theme - 7
Tequila  |  Unique Multi-Purpose WooCommerce Theme - 8
Tequila  |  Unique Multi-Purpose WooCommerce Theme - 9
Tequila  |  Unique Multi-Purpose WooCommerce Theme - 10
Tequila  |  Unique Multi-Purpose WooCommerce Theme - 11

Hey, Welcome to Tequila

Tequila is the newest and the most advanced template with tons of possibilities. This is really the promising theme eager to become our next best seller. All kinds of things you would expect from the professional and beautiful WordPress related template right out there!

The template includes various custom page layouts like About, Portfolio, Shortcodes, Contact, and other pages. You are free to select all layouts and pages you may need for creating your brilliant online presence.

Optimized for mobile devices

The template uses responsive design to optimize your site’s display for mobile devices.This makes it looking good on any screen and portable device

We always implement the latest technology in our templates. Keep trace of the updates!

Major Theme Features:

Other Valuable Features:

Choose Tequila

Don’t settle for any theme for your Website, Tequila is the best choice & you can buy it today at an affordable price!

Change log

Version 2.1 (May 15, 2017)

Added: Compability with Woocommerce 3.0.6
Added: Compability with WP 4.7.4
Update: Revolution Slider to ver 5.4.1
Update: Visual Composer to ver 5.1.1
Fixed: some CSS Issues
small bug fixes

Version 1.7 (Nov 16, 2016)

UPDATE : WordPress 4.6.1
UPDATE : Woocommerce 2.6.8
UPDATE : Visual Composer 5.0
UPDATE : Revolurion Slider
FIXED : Style for demo sliders
ADD : Plugin awesome shop 1.6
UPDATE : update and add new demo content

Version 1.6 (May 23, 2016)

UPDATE : Word press 4.5.2 Compatible
UPDATE : Isotope
FIXED : CSS style bugs
FIXED : Theme setings

Version 1.5 (May 3, 2016)

UPGRADE : WordPress 4.5 compatible
UPDATE : Plugins (Slider & Composer)

Version 1.4 (April 5, 2016)

UPGRADE : Demo content files updated (Slider)
UPDATE : Plugins (Slider & Composer)

Version 1.3 (June 29, 2015)

UPGRADE : Tequila Shortcodes Plugin Version Updated
FIXED : Minor bugs fixed
UPGRADE : Demo content files updated
UPGRADE : Shortcodes updated

Version 1.2 (June 10, 2015)

FIXED : Minor bugs fixed
UPGRADE : New demo "Left menu" 
UPGRADE : Tequila-shortcodes plugin updated
FIXED : Cleanest code
UPGRADE : New fast supporter added  :)

Version 1.1 (June 04, 2015)

FIXED : Minor bugs fixed
UPGRADE : New features and 6 demo pages added
UPGRADE : Mega customizer updated - new possibilities

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