Xing – Business / ecommerce WordPress Theme

Xing - Business / ecommerce WordPress Theme 1

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Xing is a fast and modern ecommerce theme designed for selling your products online. It helps you set up an online store instantly using WooCommerce.

The theme encompasses clean and modern designed, backed with useful shortcodes, page templates and full compatibility with WooCommerce plugin. With light weight design, functional code and standard features, the theme is envisioned to provide you a long term and stable solution for your online startup and projects.

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Full feature list

Update Log

= Nov 05, 2019 / version 2.1.2 =
* Fixed: Shop columns distorted on mobile
* Fixed: Slider captions not showing absolute positioned
    - Updated slider caption styles for latest Swiper Slider Image Carousel of ELementor (the old one was Slick Slider)
    - Kindly add the class name "xing-slider" inside "Advanced > CSS Classes" to the slider widget to avoid global styling of carousel widget
= July 29, 2019 / version 2.1.1 =
* Fixed: CSS styling on top menu
* Fixed: Breadcrumbs not hiding when set to hide per page
* Fixed: Input text fields and submit button styling
= July 29, 2019 / version 2.1.0 =
* Security improvement in all core files
    - Data validation on theme generated output
* Improved archive and single post typography
* Improved WooCommerce shop styles and typography
* Improved Breadcrumbs with Schema support
* Merged responsive.css with style.css file, reducing server call
* Removed option for disabling responsiveness
* Fixed: Multiple text domains replaced with 'xing'
* Fixed: Missing text domain from translation functions
* Ensured compatibility with WooCommerce 3.6.x and WordPress 5.2.2
= July 29, 2018 / version 2.0.1 =
* Fixed compatibility with the "WooCommere Cart Add-ons" plugin
* Fixed number of Related products bug
    - Now shows only one row of chosen columns in customizer
* Fixed a bug in which cart shows only one item even if multiple products were added
= May 01, 2018 / version 2.0.0 =
* Added option for adding an extra sidebar to the layout
    - See Appearnce > Theme Options > General > Add extra Sidebar
    - Access this new sidebar inside Appearance > Widgets > Sidebar B
* Added new Theme Option tab "WooCommerce" 
* Added multiple add to cart option for WooCommerce products in shop catalog and archives
* Added option to hide sidebar on WooCommerce single product and archives
* Added new Theme Option tab "Import/Export" for theme settings
* Added 2 new Home page layouts with Elementor Page builder support
    - Page builder layouts available as pre built templates in Elementor
* Improved styling and typography
= March 20, 2018 / version 1.9.4 =
* Added option for hiding sidebar on WooCommerce single product and archives
    - See Appearnce > Theme Options > General
* Added WooCommerce product columns via Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce
    - Set any number of columns per row for catalog pages
= Feb 08, 2018 / version 1.9.3 =
* Tested and ensured compatibility with WooComerce 3.3.x
* Fixed large size of credit card images at checkout
= Nov 01, 2017 / version 1.9.2 =
* Updated page and post options prefix names to avoid conflict with other plugins
= Oct 24, 2017 / version 1.9.1 =
* Fixed deprecated WooCommerce function in cart contents
* Checked and ensured compatibility with WooCommerce 3.2.1
= Aug 01, 2017 / version 1.9.0 =
* Added nonce verification in theme options
* Added custom site width option (See Theme Options > General)
* Added option for center aligning of logo (See Theme Options > Header)
* Added media uploader for logo and favicon (See Theme Options > Header)
* Added Google Fonts option for site, headings and navigation menu (See Theme Options > Custom Fonts)
* Improved theme options panel styling
* Improved icons and style for star rating and alert boxes
* Improved breadcrumbs code
* Improved styling for price filter widget
* Removed global declaration of theme option variables
* Updated fontawesome icon library to v4.7.0
* Checked and ensured compatibility with WooCommerce 3.1.x
 = Apr 06, 2017 / version 1.8.5 =
* Added compatibility with WooCommerce 3.0
* Added product gallery slider, zoom and swipe support for WooCommerce 3.0
* Updated TGM Plugin Activation Class
* Fixed cart layout styling on mobile devices
= Jun 20, 2016 / version 1.8.4 =
* Added styles for WooCommerce 2.6 features (my account tabs and avarage rating widget)
= Jun 18, 2016 / version 1.8.3 =
* Added compatibility for WooCommerce 2.6+
* Updated fontawesome icon library to v4.6.3
= Apr 15, 2016 / version 1.8.2 =
* Added code compatibility for php 7
* Added .pot template file for translation
* Fixed get_currentuserinfo() deprecated function for WordPress 4.5
= Feb 21, 2016 / version 1.8.1 =
* Fixed secondary widget area column widths in mobile
= Feb 11, 2016 / version 1.8.0 =
* Added compatibility for WooCommerce 2.5+
* Added compatibility for Uber Mega Menu plugin
* Added option for disabling prettyPhoto library in theme
* Added Polish translation files. (Thanks to Damian Dabrowski @ )
* Improved grid system (Now fluid grids with better viewport visibility)
* Updated fontawesome library to 4.5+
* Simplified responsive.css file
* Improved mobile navigation menu
= July 30, 2015 / version 1.7.0 =
* Compatibility update for WordPress 4.3+
* Updated WP_Widget constructor method in all widgets
* Updated TGM plugin activation class to v2.5.2
* Fixed namespace conflict for slider shortcode buttons in Visual Editor
= June 17, 2015 / version 1.6.0 =
* Updated prettyPhoto JS library for XSS vulnerability fix
= Apr 23, 2015 / version 1.5.0 =
* Added previous/next post navigation support in single posts
* Added reddit social share on single posts
* Updated FontAwesome to v4.3 and added native CSS.
* Updated Facebook social share API to v2.3
* Updated TGM plugin activation file (XSS vulnerability fix)
* Fixed header ouput notice in theme options panel
* Fixed navigation hover state in CSS
* Fixed content slider navigation bullet styles
= Feb 13, 2015 / version 1.4.0 =
* Updated theme for WooCommerce 2.3+
* Updated child theme to load parent styles via functions.php (removed @import)
* Added jQuery Masonry via WordPress' built in library
* Added theme support for automatic title tag generated by WordPress
* Fixed localization support in Xing Shortcodes plugin
* Fixed product carousel's next/prev button CSS position
* Tweaked heading font sizes

Full changelog can be found inside main download’s ‘changelog’ folder.

Sources and Credits

jQuery Library
WooCommerce Plugin
jQuery Flex Slider
jQuery jPlayer
jQuery Masonry
jQuery PrettyPhoto
jQuery Validate
jQuery QuickSand
jQuery HoverIntent

Important: Images shown in Live demo are not included with the download. They are only for demonstration purpose.

Thank you for stopping by and browsing my theme. For any questions related to the theme, feel free to ask me on the comments section, or drop me a mail from my profile message box. I’d be glad to respond to your queries. Thanks once again.

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